Independent Study

Interested in taking Indpendent Study courses? Please read below on how to move forward. 

What is Independent Study?

Independent Study is available primarily to regularly admitted UC upper-division students for supervised but independent reading, research, or design. If interested, please have your program of study approved. Therefore, if you are unsure if you need Independent Study, what courses you need to take, which summer session you need and or the amount of units you need to take; please contact your department of major.

What are the Independent Study Costs?

Course Fees:                                                                                                        Mandatory Campus Fees:
UCI or other UC Undergraduate Students: $139.50/unit                        UCI or other UC Undergraduate Student: $194
UCI or other UC Graduate Students: $194.50/unit                                              UCI or other UC Graduate Student: $175
Visiting Non-UC Students: $194.50/unit                                                          Visiting Non-UC Students: $294

*Even if the Independent Study course is held off campus, students must pay the UCI mandatory non-refundable campus fees. *

How do I enroll in Independent Study?


Contact the Summer Session Department via email at requesting Independent Study enrollment. Include your UCID number in the email and subject line: Independent Study Enrollment

*If you are a CPT student, please include that in the email. *

You sent the email, what to expect from our office?

1. Once our department receives a student’s email requesting to be enrolled in Independent Study, staff will send you a Independent Study Request PDF and manually trigger the DocuSign Independent Study Enrollment form. The student will receive a link to the DocuSign form such as the one below, to the email address on file. 

Please make sure to fill out all the required boxes.  Please note that since Independent Study course codes are manually created, the form automatically has “12345” and once it is created an operator will place the created code on the form.  

2. As a student it will be your responsibility to complete the Independent Study Request PDF Form with the assistance with your faculty sponsor/department and the UCI Catalogue. This completed form will have to be attached to your Independent Study Enrollment Form via DocuSign. *Bio Sci 197/198/199 and ICS 192 students DO NOT COMPLETE the Independent Study Request PDF form*  Please see the example below. 

Any incomplete forms will not be accepted as it is necessary for our offices to have all forms completed by the student and appropriate staff to proceed with the enrollment processing. This entails our Independent Study team to manually create the courses, tentative enroll you, and then you will be asked to submit payment. Keep in mind this is a manual process and we operate at a first come, first serve basis.

Please note that any changes to your original Request for Independent Study form will need approval from both your faculty sponsor and the Department Dean/Chair. 

Time Commitment

Independent Study courses follow the same deadlines and timeframes as the regular Summer Session.
Summer Session is not able to alter any dates. Please ensure that you speak with your program and department to confirm which sessions you need.

Session 1: June 23-July 30
10 week: June 23-August 29
Session 2: August 4- September 10

For additional deadlines check our Summer calendar.

International Center Information

If you are an international student,
please confirm with the International Center which summer session you should take your Independent Study course in. For any CPT or OPT related questions, please contact the International Center.

Phone: 949-824-7249
Location: G302 UCI Student Center Irvine,CA 92697-5255
International CPT website:

Courses with Summer Partnership

Bio Sci 197/198/199

Summer Session Bio Sci 197/198/199 Enrollment.

In order to get into a Bio Sci 199 lab, undergraduate students must:

1. Complete Bio Sci 194s OR the 3 UCLC modules.

2. Find a Faculty Mentor that is the in the Bio Sci 199 program

3. Submit a research packet directly to the Bio Sci department. Go to the Bio Sci website, for further information on how to complete the Bio 197/198/199 packet and what other items are needed.

4. Once Bio Sci 199 team approves packets, they will give the necessary information to the UCI Summer Session Independent Study team. Then Summer Session will send a Independent Study Enrollment form via DocuSign to the student’s email on file.


 Keep in mind both Bio Sci 199 and Summer Session deadlines must be met.  Any further Bio Sci 197/198/199 related questions, contact the Bio 199 team at 

ICS Students Interested in ICS 192 

Summer 2025, enrollment for ICS 192 requires student’s to contact any ICS advisor via email at

If a student is approved to take ICS 192, ICS advisor will send the course and student information to UCI Summer Session Independent Study Team.

After receiving the ICS 192 information, a DocuSign and email of instructions will be sent to the student’s UCI email. Once DocuSign is signed, an operator will move forward with the enrollment and send any payment portal links if needed.

Common General Questions


I want to enroll in ENGR 191 and I can't find the course to enroll online? What should I do?

You will not find any Indpendent Study courses online, you will have to receive approval from a faculty member and department, and the courses will be manually created. Please look at the directions above on how to submit a request.

I just paid using the payment portal link but I still do not see my courses on Student Access what should I do?

Even though you paid for the course, it takes about 24- 48 hours for Student Access to reflect the new change. After payment has been made, an updated schedule will be sent to you reflecting your new summer schedule.

I am a CPT student and need my verification, how can I receive that?

After you pay, an enrollment specialist will send you an updated schedule and statement that is to be used for your CPT application.

What are the deadlines for enrollment/dropping?

Independent Study deadlines follow the same deadlines as Summer Session, please look at the Summer Session calendar.

The form is asking for my faculty sponsor, I don't know who that is, what should I do?

If you do not have a faculty sponsor, then you should speak with your department of major to see which faculty member you should be speaking with regarding the Independent Study course that you are interested in.

The form is asking about the course title, I don't know the course title, what should I do?

It is your responsibility to work with your faculty sponsor and department to see which course you need to take. You may use the UCI Catalogue to find the course name, title, amount of units you may take, grading options, and restrictions if any. 

I have just signed the forms, when can I expect to be enrolled?

Tentatively 5-8 days, enrollment process is contingent on the student’s submission of both forms and payment. Turnaround period may vary, since Independent Study courses are manually created by a Summer Session staff. The absence of necessary forms and/or payment will result in further delay of the student’s enrollment.

Common Payment Questions

How do I know when to pay?

You will know when to pay for if you have an outstanding balance an operator will send you a payment portal link to the email we have on file.

What is a billing unit?

A billing unit is an internal measurement within Summer Session used to calculate the Course Fees (per unit fee) for students. Billing units are used to calculate pay for only 8. Independent study courses are half billing units, making 1/2 the listed course fee. 

If Independent Study Courses are billed half a billing unit. Does that mean that the actual fee is $97.25 per unit?

The half billing unit is already applied. Summer Session fees are the following: UC undergraduate students $279 per unit and UC Graduate/Visiting students $389 per unit. Therefore, Independent Study courses cost the following: UC undergraduate students $139.50 per unit and UC graduate students $194.50 per unit.

I am a graduate student and my PI is going to pay for my tuition, how should I move forward?

You and your department will need to complete a recharge authorization form, please ask for the form in your email request for Independent Study enrollment.

I am a Bio student interested in taking Bio 199 in the summer, and I am already enrolled in Bio 199 for Spring Quarter. Do I still need to pay for Summer?

Yes, Bio 199 is a UCI course. If you wish to enroll into this course and earn university credit you will need to register for the course via Summer Session and pay the required registration fees. 

I just completed the Independent Study paperwork. Since I've enrolled in summer session 1 and 2, and I'm enrolling in more than 8 units and have already paid $2,454.00. With applying for CPT for the 10 week session, I believe that I don't have to make additional payments correct?

As per the Pay for 8 policy, Summer Session office will not charge you for any additional course fees past the first 8 course units that you have already paid for.

I am a Financial Aid student who is interested in taking Bio 199 courses. Can I use my financial aid to pay for these courses?

Yes, Independent Study courses such as Bio 199 overall can be covered by Financial Aid. However, keep in mind that in order to be eligible for Financial Aid you must be enrolled in 6 units. Please note Independent Study courses are half a billing unit, therefore if you enroll in 4 Independent Study course units, that will be a total of 2 billing units.