Frequently Asked Questions

Got a lot of questions about the Summer Session admissions process? We have answers! UCI Summer Session offers more than 800 courses across 70 academic disciplines each summer, including a wide variety of online classes.
How many sessions does UCI Summer offer?

UCI Summer Session offers three sessions (two 5-week sessions and one 10-week sessions). Please visit the Summer Session Academic Calendar.

What are the deadlines to add/drop without additional approval?

Our deadlines to drop without additional approval are the 1st Friday of each session for Sessions I and II, and the 2nd Friday for the 10-Week Session.

You can add/drop with additional approval up until our absolute deadlines: July 11th for Session 1, August 22nd for Session II, and August 1st for 10-week Session.

For a detailed list of all important dates, please visit our Summer Session Academic Calendar.

How do I find the class I’m interest in?
Our Course Catalogue offers different ways to search for courses. Each work within the same database, so you can choose the search style that best meets your needs.
Search by department and session: This feature is quite helpful if you are looking for a course in a particular session.
Browse all of our departments: You may view a full list of all of our departments and drill-down to see the course offerings with a single click.
I’m having issues enrolling via the online site, how do I proceed?
Please email with your situation, and an operator will send you instructions on how to proceed.
Do you offer in person or drop offs?
No, due to University Campus regulations, we will not be able to accept in-person or drop-off enrollment submissions.
There are no enrollment forms posted, when will they be available?
We are working on updating our forms. In the meantime please email for more information on how to enroll.
Can I drop or change classes or change grade options online?
Yes, but any changes must be made by deadlines posted on the Academic Calendar. Financial Aid Students may need to submit a Course Change form by the deadlines.
How do I make changes online?

You are able to make changes online by logging in to your Summer Session account. Be sure to complete steps 1-6 and receive a confirmation email.

If you cannot complete your transaction on our website, please email explaining your situation. An operator will send you instructions on how to proceed.

I received an approval for excess units but cannot enroll online.
Our Summer Session website will not allow students to enroll into more than 12 units per session, even with approval. The Summer Session website will not students allow to enroll over 20 units total over the summer, even with approval. Please email and mention you have been approved. An operator will check our resources and follow up with you via email.
I received an account discrepancy while trying to enroll online. How do I proceed?
Account discrepancies can happen for various reasons. Each student’s situation is different. Please email for further information and instructions on how to proceed.
Why do you need my social security number?
This number is a unique, personal identification number. When you enroll online, we must ensure that we add your classes to your own personal transcript. By matching on your last name, birth date, and SSN, we can ensure that we are working with only your record in our database. We will never share your information with anyone. Please review our privacy policy.
How do I make a payment online?
You are able to pay online using an accepted credit/debit card (VISA, MasterCard, or American Express). If you cannot complete your transaction on our website, please email explaining your situation. An operator will provide instructions on how to proceed.
What are fees for each course?
UC undergraduate students: each course is $279/unit + 1-time Mandatory Campus Fee $194
UC graduate students: each course is $389/unit + 1-time Mandatory Campus Fee $175
All other visiting students: each course is $389/unit + 1-time Mandatory Campus Fee $294
Some labs or art courses may require an extra fee: approximately $50-$75. For detailed information on fees, please visit our Summer Session Fees page.
How does Pay for 8 work?
All UC students only pay for up to 8 units in per unit course fees when they enroll in 8 or more units. These units can be spread into all of the three summer sessions. For example, if a student enrolls into 16 units (4 in SSI, 4 in SS10, & 8 in SSII), the student will only need to pay for the first 8 units they enrolled in (including the one-time non-refundable Campus Fee and any Course Materials Fees or Late Fees if applicable).
When is my credit card charged for an online purchase?
Your account is charged after you verify your information for the last time and submit your final enrollment. You can add classes to your shopping cart and remove them without being charged. Only when you’ve gone through the entire checkout process and approved your charges, will your credit card be charged.
How do I enroll with Financial Aid?

Visit the financial aid page of our website for the steps to enroll in Summer Session with financial aid – Financial Aid | Summer Session

How do I check my balance? What does the bolded red number mean?
You are able to check your most current balance online by logging in to your Summer Session account and selecting the schedule/statement option. The red number indicates the total amount that is being offered to you by the Financial Aid Office. Keep in mind that this number is your total aid being offered. You may check your Financial Aid account for a detailed breakdown of your aid being offered to you.
When I try to pay for my classes online, the payment page says “Transaction Declined”. How can I continue my enrollment and payment?

Please verify the card information you entered is correct: card number, card holder name, billing address, and CVV2 code. If one or more fields need correction, you may edit them, then continue to the next steps and complete your registration. If all fields were correct and you are using a credit card, you may call your credit card company to determine the issue. After your card company has verified your credit card is cleared to make this large transaction, you can make another attempt to complete your online enrollment and payment.

If all the fields were correct and you are using a debit card, you may have a daily spending limit, which would prevent you from completing your transaction. To authorize this large transaction, you should call your bank. Then, make another attempt to complete your online enrollment and payment.

If you are still experiencing difficulty making a payment online, please email explaining your situation, or call us at (949)824-6494, and one of our staff members will assist you on how to proceed.

Will there be prerequisites required for visiting students?
Summer Session will not run prerequisite checks for visiting students. However, it is the visiting student’s responsibility to make sure they meet the suggested UCI prerequisite equivalents from their home campus in order to succeed in their class and to make sure that the class they will be taking at UCI during the Summer will count for credit in their home institution. Specific Departments at UCI (i.e. Chemistry, Physics, etc.) may run their own prerequisite checks on visiting students, but that is not a guarantee nor is it an indicator that the class will count for credit at their home institution.
How do I get my transcript?
If you are a visiting student from another UC Campus, a complimentary transcript will be provided to your home campus at the conclusion of Summer Session 2025. If you are a visiting student from a non-UC campus, or require additional copies of your transcript, they can be provided by the UCI Registrar (
I left my computer for a while, and when I returned, my cart was empty?
Your session has timed out and your registration has been canceled. To protect your personal data, we limit the time that your session remains valid. Please return to the course search and add the classes to your registration cart and continue the checkout process.
I plan to park on campus. How can I purchase a parking permit?
Parking permits will be available for purchase beginning in June, at the Transportation and Distribution Services (Bldg 7 on the campus map). For further information, please call (949) 824-6494.
I forgot my UCINetId password. How do I sign into the site?
If you have lost your UCINetID password, please visit our UCInetID information page.
Can my high school student take a course? Which ones? What is needed?
Yes! High school students entering the 11th or 12th grade in Fall 2025 with an unweighted high-school GPA of 3.0 or above are welcome to take courses at UCI Summer Session. Students may take courses from this pre-approved list.
When will I hear back regarding my email or when will my submission be processed?
We experience a high volume of emails. Please allow several days for an operator to respond or process your transaction. We answer emails and process forms in the order they are received. Duplicate emails and form submissions may result in further delay.
I forgot my password. How do I sign into the site?
If you are uisng a Visiting & Alterative Student Login, then please email with your situation, and an operator will send you instructions on how to proceed.
I am trying to create a profile, but get a message that my email address is already in use. What’s happening, and why can’t I continue?
Each online student record must have a unique email address as this is your user name. If you are using a shared email account (perhaps shared with others at work or with a family member) and they have already created a web profile using that email, then you must choose a different email account.
Likewise, you may already be in our database, but we didn’t have your SSN or birth date already on file. If that’s the case, then the record you are creating is considered “new” and not yet connected to your existing information. You may call Summer Session at (949) 824-6494 and have them perform a search for your information so that they can connect all of your files. Otherwise, you may have to choose a new email address to continue enrolling. Please be sure to use a valid email, or you may have difficulty signing into the site in the future if you forget your password.
How can I find out about summer housing at UCI?
To live on campus during Summer Session, you can contact the UCI Housing Office at (949) 824-6811.