Summer Fees

By University policy, summer fees are based on the fees charged in the subsequent academic year. Fees for 2025 Summer Session are pending the state’s final budget and approval by the Regents of the University of California.


By University policy, summer fees are based on the fees charged in the subsequent academic year. Fees for 2025 Summer Session are pending the state’s final budget and approval by the Regents of the University of California. Fees are subject to change, and may be adjusted at any time. Please be aware that you, as the student, are ultimately responsible for all Summer Session Fees incurred. You can make your payment with credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or American Express) or check (payable to UC Regents).


Summer Session Student Status
Fees are assessed according to your Summer Session student status. Your student status is subject to verification by the UCI Registrar’s Office at any time during Summer Session from the time of enrollment through the end of Session II. Therefore, if your Summer Session student status changes with the UCI Registrar, your course and mandatory campus fees will be adjusted accordingly. The following outlines a few common student statuses. Please contact Summer Session if you have specific questions about your student status.
UC Student
– Continuing UC students
– Incoming UC (Freshmen or Transfer) students who have submitted a Statement of Intent to Register (SIR)
– Students readmitted for Fall 2025 (must be readmitted prior to end of Summer Session 2)
– Students graduating from a UC after Summer Session 2025 and actively attending a UC campus during the 2024-2025 academic year.
Visiting/Non-UC Student
– Visiting U.S. college students
– Visiting International students
– Former students graduating from a UC Spring Quarter 2025 or prior
– Former students who have been academically disqualified as of Spring Quarter 2025 or prior
– High school students
– Students who have not actively attended a UC campus during the 2024-2025 academic year


Course Fees  
UCI or other UC Undergraduate Students $279/unit
UCI or other UC Graduate Students $389/unit
Visiting Non-UC Students $389/unit


Pay for Only 8 Incentive Program

For Summer Session 2025, we will be offering a full-time fee incentive program for all current and incoming UC students. Students will need to pay for up to only 8 units in per unit course fees.

For example, a current UCI undergraduate student enrolling on time in 12 units of coursework will pay $2,232 in course fees ($279/unit x 8 units), a $194 campus fee, $48 eTech Fee ($4/unit), plus any applicable course materials fees.

*Please note that the full-time fee incentive program does not apply to visiting non-UC students, to special programs charging a program fee in lieu of course fees, and any courses with other applicable discounts (such as independent study courses). Fees other than course fees will be charged according to the appropriate deadlines and policies for enrollments beyond 8 units. Course fees are pending final approval by the Regents of the University of California and may be adjusted at any time for all campuses, including UC Irvine.


Mandatory Campus Fee  
This is a one-time, non-refundable campus fee assessed of all individuals when enrolling in the summer. (This fee may be subject to change and can be adjusted any time based on student status reported by the Registrar’s Office and the Regents of the University of California.)  
UCI or other UC Undergraduate Student $194
UCI or other UC Graduate Student $175
Visiting Non-UC Students $294


eTech Fee  
The eTech Fee is required of all students and is used to support the maintenance and improvement of existing education technology, and new services and capabilities. The eTech fee is listed separately as the charged amount varies based on the amount of undergraduate units the student is enrolled in per session. The fee is $4 per unit of undergraduate lecture courses, up to a maximum amount of $20 per session (or 5 units), a maximum of $60 for the summer (or 15 units).  
UCI, other UC Students, and Visitors $4/unit
Course Materials Fees (for some courses)  
A limited number of our courses, such as labs and studio courses, have special fees for extraordinary materials costs. These will be listed with individual courses where they apply beginning March 1st and are non-refundable regardless of enrollment date or attendance. Varies


International Student Fee  
Visiting international students pay an International Student Fee of $750 in addition to the $294 mandatory campus fee above. For international students only taking online courses from their home country, the International Student Enrollment Fee will be $150 in addition to the $294 mandatory campus fee above. For more information, see the Visiting International Student section. Please note, this fee does not apply to current UC students. $750*


Late Fees  
A $50 or $100 non-refundable late fee is assessed for enrollment after deadlines. See Academic Calendar for deadlines.      $50 or         $100


Returned Checks  
There is a $25 non-refundable service fee for checks returned for insufficient funds, stop payment, closed accounts, etc. A stop payment does not constitute official withdrawal. See Refund Policy for details. $25


There is a $25 non-refundable service fee for each dispute of a credit card payment. Disputing a charge on your credit card does not constitute official withdrawal. See Refund Policy for details. $25


Grade Reports  
One complimentary copy of your grade report is available at the Registrar’s Office two weeks after the end of    the session. See Transcripts for details. No Charge


You can request an official transcript at the Registrar’s Office. Transcripts are available approximately two weeks after the end of the session. See Transcripts for details. If you are a UC student, an official transcript will be sent to your home campus without charge after Summer Session II. $17