Academic Information
Current UCI students can make progress toward their degree year round. Choose from over 800+ courses in 70 academic disciplines. Enrollment opens March 1, 2025.
2025 Session Dates
Session 1: Jun 23 – Jul 30
10-Week: Jun 23 – Aug 29
Session 2: Aug 4 – Sept 10
Helpful Info
Grade Options
You have the choice of taking classes for a Letter Grade, Pass/Not Pass, or Audit options unless a restriction is stated in the course description.
- Letter Grade: If you do not indicate a selection, we will automatically assign the Letter Grade option (A, B, C, D or F).
- Pass/Not Pass: If you earn a grade of “C” or better and have a Pass/Not Pass grade, it is recorded as a Pass and you receive unit credit for the course. If you earn a grade of “C-” or below, the grade is recorded as a Not Pass, and you will receive no unit credit for the course. In both cases, your grade for the course will not be computed into your grade point average.
- Audit: You may enroll to attend any Summer Session course on a “not-for-credit” basis. Students completing coursework or tests from previous quarters should use this grading option. If you wish to audit a course, please follow regular registration procedures and pay the full fee listed for each course. Classes taken for “audit” will not appear on your transcript.
Incomplete Grades
An “I” or Incomplete grade is assigned to a student by an instructor when the student’s work is of passing quality, but is incomplete because of circumstances beyond the student’s control, and when the student has been temporarily excused by the instructor from completing the course work. The student must make arrangements with their instructor to complete the coursework within a period of no more than twelve months following the term in which the Incomplete grade was originally awarded, or prior to the end of the quarter immediately preceding award of the degree, whichever comes first. The instructor is not obligated to allow the maximum time period.
Grades Not Reported
An “NR” or No Report is given when an instructor’s final grade course report is not submitted or when the student’s name was on the official class roster, but the instructor did not assign a grade for the student. NR becomes an F or NP after one quarter of subsequent enrollment or at the end of the quarter immediately preceding award of the degree, whichever comes first. Please consult the UCI General Catalog for additional details.
Students making up an “NR” or an “I” from a previous quarter should enroll in Summer Session using the Audit grade option. Course fees and all Summer Session deadlines still apply.
General Course Information
Classification and Numbering of Courses
- Lower Division: 1-99 open to freshmen and sophomores, or any students who need lower division courses.
- Upper Division: 100-199 normally open only to students who have completed at least one lower division course in the subject or two years of college work. Special study courses for undergraduates are numbered 190-199. Courses in the 100 series may be offered in partial fulfillment of requirements for the Master’s degree if taken with the approval of the major department and upon admittance to graduate status.
- Graduate: 200-299, while primarily planned for those with Bachelor’s degrees, may be taken by qualified undergraduates with the consent of the instructor.
- Professional courses for teaching credential candidates: 300-399.
Study Load Limits
Although Summer Session is a more casual, relaxed environment, summer courses are taught at an accelerated pace and the workload for two courses is comparable to four courses during the year. You may enroll in up to 20 units total over the summer, max 12 units in a session. For example, you could enroll in 12 units in Session I and 8 units in Session II. Courses in 10-week overlap both sessions, so those units will be divided; we apply half to the Session I study load limit and half to the Session II study load limit. If you need to exceed these limits due to unusual circumstances, please obtain approval from the appropriate University official, as follows:
- If you are a student regularly admitted and enrolled at UC Irvine:
- Undergraduate students must visit your Academic Counselor at your school of major. They will submit an online approval directly to Summer Session. After your counselor submits the approval, you will need to submit your Enrollment Form or Course Change Request Form via DocuSign to the Summer Session Office. Please note you will not be able to pass the unit maximum per session when registering online.
- Graduate students must visit your Academic Counselor. They will submit an online approval directly to Summer Session. After your counselor submits the approval, you will need to submit your Enrollment Form or Course Change Request Form via DocuSign to the Summer Session Office. Please note you will not be able to pass the unit maximum per session when registering online.
- If you are a student regularly admitted and enrolled at another UC campus:
- Undergraduate students must visit your Academic Counselor at your school of major. They will provide an email approval sent directly to Summer Session ( or a written approval which will need to be submitted along with your Enrollment Form or Course Change Request Form via DocuSign to the Summer Session Office.
- Graduate students must visit your Academic Counselor. They will provide an email approval sent directly to Summer Session ( or a written approval which will need to be submitted along with your Enrollment Form or Course Change Request Form via DocuSign to the Summer Session Office.
- All others by the Assistant Dean of Summer Session. Please submit a written request along with the Enrollment Form to the Summer Session office for review. Please be aware that submitting a written request does not guarantee approval by the Assistant Dean of Summer Session. If approved, you will be notified by email and enrolled in your courses.
Students enrolling in a Summer Session course are expected to have completed the prerequisite requirements prior to the beginning of class. Prerequisites are listed in the course descriptions found in the UCI General Catalog and posted on our website at If you have any questions regarding prerequisites, please consult your academic advisor.
Some courses will restrict UCI students from enrollment if the Registrar’s Office does not have record showing fulfillment of the prerequisites. If you are restricted from enrollment even though you have fulfilled the prerequisites, please consult your academic advisor.
You may be dropped from a course if you do not meet the prerequisites.
Independent Study
The independent study option is available primarily to regularly admitted UC upper-division students for supervised but independent reading, research, or design. If you are interested in independent study, please have your program of study approved. The digital Independent Study Forms are available by contacting Complete the Independent Study Form, including required signatures (faculty sponsor and department chair/dean) and submit with your Enrollment Form and payment.
The cost for independent study for UCI or other UC undergraduate students is $139.50 per unit, and for UCI or other UC graduate students and visiting Non-UC students is $194.50 per unit, pending the state’s final budget approved by the Regents. The Summer Session tuition is subject to change and may be adjusted by action of the UC Regents at any time for all UC campuses, including UC Irvine.
All standard Summer Session deadlines apply to students enrolled in Independent Study. Contact the Summer Session Office at (949)824-6494 or for additional information.
If the course you are requesting is full and it is prior to the start of the session, you may place your name on a wait list. UCI Summer Session honors the order of the wait lists and extends enrollment availability to students in the order they are waitlisted. Students on the wait list are not automatically enrolled if a space in the course becomes available. If a space becomes available for the student prior to the start of the session, the student is contacted by email: and must officially enroll themselves in the course. Enrollment for the waitlisted course may be completed online through the student’s Summer Session account or by submitting the appropriate DocuSign Form to the Summer Session office. Enrollment online or through DocuSign must be submitted to UCI Summer Session by the deadline specified in the email. Contacted students who have not enrolled online or through DocuSign by the specified deadline will be removed from the wait list. UCI Summer Session recommends that students who are waitlisted for a course regularly check their email.
Once the course begins, Summer Session no longer monitors course wait lists. Individual instructors* will determine if a student may enroll in their closed course. Summer Session encourages instructors* to follow the order of the wait list. However, it is at the instructor’s* discretion as to whom they allow to enroll in their closed course. For online courses, some instructors* do not accept enrollments from the wait list once the course has started.
*Chemistry, Math, Physics, and Writing require departmental approval instead of instructor signature approval.
Important Dates
Please note: The deadline for adding without approval is at the end of the first week of instruction for session 1 or 2 and the end of second week of instruction for session 10 week. It is highly recommended that you make any adds during the first week of instruction for session 1 or 2 and the first two weeks of instruction for session 10 week.
The absolute deadline for making any course changes (add or drops) is the end of third week of instruction for session 1 or 2 and the end of the sixth week of instruction for session 10 week. However, the deadline for a refund is at the end of the second week of instruction for session 1 or 2 and the end of the fourth week of instruction for session 10 week. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you make any drops during the first two weeks of instruction for session 1 or 2 and first four weeks of instruction for session 10 week. Summer Session deadlines will be strictly enforced. See deadline dates listed in the Academic Calendar.
Final Exams
Final examinations for Session 1 and Session 2 are normally scheduled as listed. The final examinations for the 10-week session are scheduled for Friday, August 29th at your usual class time, unless your instructor has made other arrangements.
After final examinations, the Summer Session course is over and no part of the course work may be continued beyond the close of the session. In addition, special examinations and reexaminations in summer courses are normally not permitted.
Session I | Wednesday, July 30 |
Session II | Wednesday, September 10 |
Session I | Tuesday, July 29 |
Session II | Tuesday, September 9 |
Your instructor may elect to give your final earlier or at a different time from the above schedule. Please be sure to confirm the time of your final with your instructor. Acknowledging course schedules and final exam(s) dates and times are the responsibility of the student. Please plan accordingly.
University Credit
At UCI, courses are assigned a unit value determined by the number of hours of work required of the student, rather than the number of class meetings. Normally, two hours of preparation are required for one hour of lecture.
If you are from a school on the semester system, here is how to convert quarter units, as currently used by the University of California, to semester units: simply multiply the number of quarter units by 2/3. Therefore, 4 quarter units are equal to 2-2/3 semester credits, etc. Please be sure to check in with your Academic Counselor at your home campus to confirm the amounts you will be able to transfer.
The Credit value of each course in quarter units is indicated by a number in parentheses ( ) following the title.
Candidacy for Degrees
If you plan to use Summer Session courses in partial fulfillment of the requirements for higher degrees and certificates, please seek the advice and study list approval from the appropriate advisor in your major concentration. Acceptance of a particular course toward any University degree is also subject to the approval of the dean of the school in which the degree is offered.
If you are a UCI undergraduate student who is finishing your coursework for a degree this summer, file an application for graduation with your School or program. Check with your academic counseling office for deadlines.
Tax Reporting
By paying UCI tuition and fees, you may be eligible for a Education Tax Credits.
To assist in determining your eligibility for these benefits, UCI may issue a Tuition Payments Statement (IRS Form 1098-T), using the Social Security Number (SSN) and permanent address on file for you at the Office of the Registrar. For more information on receiving your 1098-T please visit the Financial Services website.
If it is necessary to add or update your SSN, you are required to submit a written request by mail, or in person, to the UCI Registrar’s Office (215 Aldrich Hall, Irvine, CA 92697-4975). Your request must be accompanied by a legible copy of your signed U.S. Social Security Card. For more information, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (949) 824-6124 (Mon – Fri, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. PST).
Read IRS Publication 970 for instructions on claiming a tax benefit for education. Although the information on your 1098-T may be helpful in calculating the amount of benefit you may be eligible to claim, your personal financial records serve as the official supporting documentation for your federal tax return. Students are encouraged to keep receipts for tuition, fees, books, and course materials to substantiate their claims.
The information on this page is provided as a service to UCI students and their families. UCI personnel and TCRS representatives are unable to provide individual tax advice. Please contact a qualified tax expert, or the IRS (800) 829-1040, or visit the IRS web site ( for advice on figuring your taxes.
SSN disclosure is mandatory. The University is required by federal law to report your SSN and other pertinent information to the Internal Revenue Service, pursuant to the reporting requirements imposed by the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, and related legislation. The University also will use the SSN you supply to verify your identity. This notification is provided to you as required by the Federal Privacy Act of 1974.
Your Summer Session course grade is recorded and available about two weeks after the end of the session on the UCI Registrar’s Student Access website. Fees for transcript requests vary based on what type and quantity of transcripts are ordered, as well as how they are delivered. Please visit the UCI Office of the Registrar for more information.
UCI Students
Your summer coursework will automatically be recorded on your UCI transcript.
UC Students
If you are regularly enrolled at another UC campus, a transcript will be sent to your home campus after the end of the summer. Please allow several weeks for your home campus to update your transcript with your Summer Session courses.
If you would like a copy of your transcript, please request one from the UCI Office of the Registrar’s website.
Or visit the UCI Office of the Registrar in person during your stay at UCI.
University Registrar
215 Aldrich Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-1975Visiting International students, please visit the Registrar’s website where you can order your transcripts through the National Student Clearinghouse.